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Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Well one thing I want people to know is that I have always wanted to get into distribution and development for film.I've been studying it since high school and everyone told me I should go to film school.Well now that I'm finishing up in last than 8 months here is just some of my expertise that I extended to MJ's estate.
'Member what I had said about the letter.Well when MJ died an AIG or the IGA or who ever it was trying to get all the money from Michael made "This is It".From a film standpoint, it was amazing to see him up there doing his thing but from a business view it was awful.All the ancillary they raked up was incredible.Before the movie was released and distributed I sent his estate a letter and it went a little something like this(i.e LOOK AT THE ORIGINAL DATE):

August 15, 2009
John G. Branca
1801 Century Park W
Los Angeles, CA 90067

Dear Mr. Branca:
As a long-time admirer of the fantastic and innovative work that you have accomplish practicing entertainment law in particular during tenure with Michael Jackson has done for the music industry, everything you and Mr. Jackson have accomplished have become the standard for the industries practices ranging from the creation of the music video in accordance with the single which Michael Jackson has led the forefront on creating the identity and brand of the largest music entertainment channel in the world, MTV. I particularly enjoyed reading about the work you did and the passion for your field you upheld as you worked for Mr. Jackson, and I hope you allow me the opportunity to pass an idea along to you. As I have watched as it has played out in the media, there seems to be an issue amongst the Jackson family about his estate but the one thing everyone has forgotten is the upholding of the integrity, genius and in particular the innovation of Michael Jackson , it has grown to a point where I feel new ideas should be reviewed and taking in consideration for Mr. Jackson as brand and preserve some of the things I believed he would have wanted, by dramatically enhancing his revenue of the estate by utilizing its function so that it can continue to serve effectively.
This letter outlines the complete scope of a project I created, including objectives, procedures, identification of responsibilities, and estimated fees.
In 1988, Mr. Jackson created long format video entitled Moonwalker directed by Jerry Kramer and Jim Blashfield, during the distribution of the film it was not given an US film release in theaters and was sent directly to video. While the feature has maintained a cult status among Mr. Jacksons’ fans, it’s helmed as one of Jackson’s most prolific works. In conjunction with the release of the “This is It” concert documentary being released by SONY Music Entertainment as a feature film for distribution into cinemas in October, I believe it is time to release Michael Jacksons’ feature Moonwalker to US audiences. By utilizing a platform release used for independent films, we won’t be subjected to losses in projected revenue due to the fervor of Michael Jackson that has overtaken the country in the wake of his passing. On the basis of models of distribution for screens in independent films, Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker should be released on a minimum of 50 screens of nationwide theaters. Watching the trade publications, we can then move forward in increasing the numbers of screens gradually. By re-releasing Mr. Jackson’s Moonwalker as a filmic event we preserve Michael Jackson and continue the visionary work of this genius.

Success of this project is dependent not only on the execution of this plan, but also on personnel’s skill, promotion and advertisement, and willingness to see the vision of this project.
1. Procedures
a. Remaster the sound and effects of the original film for re-release, since George Lucas was a friend of Mr. Jacksons, it would seem best to utilize his sound technology of THX to bring Moonwalker back to the screen for 2009 audience.
b. For conceptualization, when tickets were released and programs distributed for Mr. Jacksons memorial many people retained the tickets and programs as mementos utilizing this concept, similar in style to the one Mr. Jackson used for the “This is It” tour with holographic tickets, a commemorative ticket will be distributed with the iconic MJJ Productions logo background in a light blue hue.
c. Following the format of midnight releases which have become the standard for the film industry, they have proved the largest grossing revenue for many studios to build anticipation for their product. For the release of Moonwalker, a midnight screen will commence on all seven continents of the film in seven specific theaters chosen by your staff.
d. On the opening date of Moonwalker, a second commemorative ticket will be released in correlation with the previous stated in section b, this ticket will contain the image from the international released DVD cover. (Note: The tickets will be distributed to national theater chains in the states, for international release of Moonwalker one of the two specified tickets will be released.)
e. In the agreement with the estate for the Michael Jackson trust, in the contract a stipulation should be made to gain the majority of revenue in ancillary rights and partial rights in the back end sale of tickets and box office revenue.
This project demands significant involvement by your art and design personnel department utilized from the Michael Jackson company, some of the staff can be outsourced through AEG. Ultimate success is highly dependent on their effort. To help achieve an effortless and successful implementation, the following needs to be perform:
1. Monitoring the attendance rates, we can generate a plan to gradually increase the distribution screens of Moonwalker in conjunction to platform releases.
2. Compile a complete list of all vendors, sponsorship for the release of the movie similar to the template used in other films can garner more publicity for the film. In the upcoming traveling exhibition of Mr. Jackson’s memorabilia, the items used in the film can also be placed in their own exhibit to coincide with the release of the film and generate more revenue for the film and estate.

When the project is complete, Mr. Jacksons’ estate will have successfully generated a substantial amount of income to the family trust. Benefits include the American release of Moonwalker which Mr. Jackson greatly desired, and the launching of a new division of the Michael Jackson estate into feature film development, MOONWALER STUDIOS.
The second benefit I would like to provide with the Moonwalker film is too start opening the lines of communication to Museum of Modern Art in New York to commence a ceremony for the induction of Thriller , Moonwalker and various other music videos by Michael to be inducted into the museum in similar fashion to other pop musicians.
I appreciate the opportunity to discuss one of the business proposals I have generated for the estate. If you want to accept this proposal, please sign one copy of this document and return it to me or please contact me as soon as you receive this.
Film Student

This letter correctly sets forth the understanding of the neighborhood group.

Accepted by Title Date

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